Eroni is a Life Changed

To briefly explain my journey in Christ – I got saved in 2016. The journey has been with its ups and downs, particularly for my family coming out of the Jehovah’s witness to accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour. Before meeting Pastor Lee, I had been running my own Small Engine repair workshop which I operated. Due to drawbacks experienced in my business, having operated without any proper capital to start off with. Anyway, preparation towards Pastor Lee’s crusade in November involved meeting up with a network of Pastors every month and as the date drew near, we met every two weeks to confirm and discuss logistics of the crusade. Fast forward to the few days leading up to the crusade at the Vodafone Arena, Pastor Lee arrived with his family and later his team of prayer warriors. I was honoured to be part of the team as they visited people in settlements and ministered the Word of God to them. I had always told my wife that I felt the urge to get people to know Jesus – when I joined Pastor Lee’s team visiting people, I was happy to be doing something for Jesus!
My responsibility during the three-day crusade was to get people in Delainavesi and Nadonumai areas to get on the bus and attend the crusade – the Lord worked miracles, people filled the buses from day one to day three – better still, got saved and some gave their lives to Jesus! It was the night of the last day of the crusade when Pastor prayed and prophesied over me, the anointing I carried with me from that crusade, I can only give glory to God alone. Days later, my wife suffered from migraine. She could not get up. I sat beside and I was praying in other tongues without laying hands on her just for 1 minute I got a shock she got up go to the bathroom When she returned she said, “ I felt the urge to go to the washroom while you were speaking in other tongues ,she said I believed I’m delivered I feel so much lighter now and the migraine is gone. My wife has never had a migraine again ever since – Glory to God! Ever since the crusade, my children have never been ill. It was always a norm for them to get sick days before an exam, from the day the crusade ended until now – I can only praise and thank God for his healing my family – the sickness is gone!
“… all we can do is cry and thankful tears that no words can put together.”
On a personal level, I was sick. They said it was ulcer because I had the tendency to burp nonstop every now and then and it affected my breathing at times.
Following the crusade, I can state that I have been healed in the name of Jesus! My wife works the Fijian Elections Office, God’s increase has been manifesting through her, she got promoted twice in span of months after the crusade last year. It wasn’t plain sailing for us to see and experience the Hand of God over our lives – there was pain. At times, so painful but we knew that this was just a process God wanted us to go through to get to where we wanted – and we are not there yet, we are still on our journey with Jesus Christ.
The wonderful thing is that He has been through our tomorrows and he will get us through it all, we only have to keep our faith in him alone! Pastor Lee assisted me in printing my business cards and sending it to Fiji. He also gave me advice and business ideas on job charges to get my small engine business running. For this I continue to thank my Heavenly Father for connecting me to the Man of God who assisted me in my business venture. Jobs have started to come in now and I give only the Glory, Honour and Praise to my Heavenly Father in Jesus name. I am now firm on stating my charges to customers and in the process shared the Word of God with those who come for repairs.
Pastor Lee, all I can say is, “Thank You and may the Lord Jesus Christ continue to protect, bless and prosper you and your family as you work to minister the Word of God to nations. One thing I learn from the Ministry (Pioneer Ministry) is to come to God as I am, we will face trials and hardship, a character in the bible that always push me through the trials is JOB when we are faithful to God and he will pay us personally in an overwhelming – all we can do is cry and thankful tears that no words can put together.I don’t have shape up myself because he will do all that.This scripture confirms Isaih 46:4 I have made you,I will carry you ,I will sustain and I will rescue you. Vinaka Eroni Kotoiwasawasa Suva Fiji