From Job to Peter, from Solomon to Apostle Paul, business endeavour and the kingdom of heaven have run parallel in their ability to affect each other for the good of humanity.
Joseph and Lesley are both business owners and utilise the tool of business to fund their mission work and influence the business world for the purpose of establishing the kingdom of God. Because of this, we have a heart to train and raise up entrepreneurs and business owners in the nations of the earth, who have a right heart toward stewarding finances and using their money and resources to fund the kingdom of God.
Especially in the developing world, there is a need to not just train revivalists in the 5-fold ministry gifts. But also train up business entrepreneurs, the “kings” of the earth. Any spiritual revival needs to have an economic impact for there to be social transformation.
Because of this we run ‘Kingdom Business” seminars, helping people to understand the role of business and the stewardship of wealth in the body of Christ, and to encourage people to dream, to think like an entrepreneur and to have a generous spirit when it comes to the things of God.
While prosperity has been misrepresented in a lot of ways, through colonisation and through a materialistic ministry focus, there is a need for Gods people to prosper and be blessed in the truest gospel sense of the word. We teach money is a tool, and that stewardship of resource is necessary to fund the kingdom of God on the earth and the assignment of the Lord. We teach that God wants us blessed, not for ourselves, but to “be a blessing” to others. But also He has given us richly “all things to enjoy” and that we serve an outrageously generous and wealthy Father, who loves to bless his children.
We serve the developing nations through Kingdom Business Seminars, Entrepreneur mentorship, micro-entrepreneurship, and micro-financing to raise up a generation of kingdom minded business owners.
If you want to find out how you can sow into this ministry, or you want to be mentored or host a kingdom business program, contact us today.
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